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(call_dissector_only): assertion failed: (handle != NULL)


i , when i capture packets through tshark i am getting the following assertion.

ERROR : file packet.c: line 1831 (call_dissector_only): assertion failed: (handle != NULL) aborting...

Command used: tshark -i eth0 -R radius -V

Please help ,how this issue can be fixed

asked 16 Sep '13, 06:14

syed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you tell us which version of tshark you're using? You can run tshark -v for this information.

(16 Sep '13, 06:15) zachad

wireshark -1.4.3

(16 Sep '13, 06:23) syed

One Answer:


Can you use a more up to date version of Wireshark? This might fix the issue, and you'll get the benefit of all the other work that's been put into the latest versions.

answered 16 Sep '13, 06:37

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%

ya but this has been integrated in some other code base so cant directly upgrade .Need to fix in this version only. Can you please suggest some method /provide idea why this happens and how to analyze the issue (or) if the fix has gone u can provide me fix details.

(16 Sep '13, 06:54) syed

More to the point, Wireshark 1.4.3 was released on January 11, 2011, over 2 1/2 years ago, and Wireshark 1.4 reached End Of Life on August 30, 2012, over 1 year ago.

(16 Sep '13, 07:39) cmaynard ♦♦

I think you'll be on your own here, 1.4.3 is no longer supported. You might have a look though the Wireshark Bugzilla to see if anything shows up.

If you at least try a newer version with your capture you should be able to tell if it has been fixed in later versions, and then you can try to narrow down which version it was and then look for relevant changes fir the svn repository.

(16 Sep '13, 07:40) grahamb ♦

ya but this has been integrated in some other code base so cant directly upgrade .

and maybe the Wireshark code has been modified as well (by 'them'), which could cause that specific problem.

@syed: You are not using your own (or a modified) Radius dissector, are you?

Can you please suggest some method /provide idea why this happens and how to analyze the issue

I think it boils down to: Debugger and code review.

(16 Sep '13, 08:36) Kurt Knochner ♦

we are not modifying any radius dissector. It is same as given by wireshark.

(16 Sep '13, 22:37) syed