In epan/prefs.c:pre_init_prefs()
, set prefs.gui_update_enabled = FALSE;
So maybe it depends on what you're trying to accomplish, but I've thought of another option as well, bringing the list to the following 3:
If you want to disable the update feature completely, then Gerald's suggestion to comment out WINSPARKLE_PKG
in config.nmake is the answer.
If you want to allow the users to be able to re-enable the feature, then you can use my original suggestion; however, if you do that, then updates will be based on the latest official releases, not your own releases, which may not be desirable.
If you want to be able to support automatic updates with your own customized Wireshark releases, then you should be able to modify ui/software_update.c:get_appcast_update_url()
to point the update_url_str
to your own update location instead of to the official one. (I actually ran a quick test of this, and it looks like it will work.)
answered 16 Sep '13, 11:38
cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%
You can also disable it at compile time by commenting out
in config.nmake.