Hi all, I'm trying to build Debian-package in Ubuntu by using
but unfortunately, I got an error with gtk like this:
I searched on Internet and it seems that many people got the similar errors. Some of them ignore the problem by skipping the process of dependencies checking but I think it is not a good way. Could you please give me any idea to pass over this case? I can run asked 18 Sep '13, 23:31 hoangsonk49 edited 19 Sep '13, 01:26 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
It works perfectly well on my Ubuntu 13.04 (plain installation with the required dependencies). As I mentioned in your other question, you are building the code on a mounted NTFS drive (C:\ mounted to /media/sonnh/Win7_x64) and that may cause problems (due to NTFS!?!). As I already suggested: Try to build everything in a Linux filesystem like /var/tmp/wireshark. As it works on my system, it is either related to
Here is what I did.
Regards answered 19 Sep '13, 01:22 Kurt Knochner ♦ |