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Extraneous data in EPS bearer context status IE in Tracking Area update request message


why EPS bearer context status IE is decoded successfully but with a tag Extraneous data in tracking area update request message including TA/LA updating and bearer establishment requested.

asked 20 Sep '13, 04:16

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TheMan Catch
accept rate: 0%

"Extraneous data" means that there was data left in the message when wireshark finished dissection dye to: - New IE added to message which wireshark does not dissect. - Bug in Wireshark - Bug in application, wrong length or? We need to see the capture to tell which of the above applies.

(20 Sep '13, 04:55) Anders ♦

Wireshark 1.10 supports all the known IEs (up to R12) for a Tracking Area Update Request message. So either you are using an older release, or the message contains extra data not specified in 3GPP 24.301 (or it could be a Wireshark bug but it seems unlikely). As Anders stated, sharing the capture would allow to confirm which case it is.

(20 Sep '13, 11:46) Pascal Quantin