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TCP Window Full


What does it mean when I see (from Wireshark captured file) the message [TCP Window Full] from the server? Thanks

asked 20 Sep '13, 11:05

character9's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


This question has been asked several times before. This is TCP flow control in action. From Section 1.5 of RFC 793:

Flow Control:

TCP provides a means for the receiver to govern the amount of data sent by the sender. This is achieved by returning a "window" with every ACK indicating a range of acceptable sequence numbers beyond the last segment successfully received. The window indicates an allowed number of octets that the sender may transmit before receiving further permission.

In a nutshell, the receiver’s receive buffer is full. For more details, read the RFC and/or the answers to these other questions:

Or try a basic google search.

answered 20 Sep ‘13, 11:25

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%