I've been trying to figure out why, when playing CoD MW3, via Steam I constantly get server timeouts. So I started up WireShark to try and monitor those packets. I noticed that there were packets being sent with with source and destination port saying Xbox. I don't have an XBox on my network, that I'm aware of. Any idea why this would be? asked 22 Sep '13, 13:54 Brian Barrick |
One Answer:
If you look at the actual port numbers involved, I suspect it will be port 3074, as this is the IANA registered port for xbox. See the IANA list here. Although this is the registered port of xbox, it can be freely used by other applications. answered 22 Sep '13, 15:00 grahamb ♦ I kind of thought that was probably it. I was watching it as I shut the game down and brought it back up and sure enough the packets labeled with that port started rolling in. Thank you. (22 Sep '13, 15:21) Brian Barrick |
Maybe, if you share the capture file with us (google docs, dropbox, cloudshark).