Hi Guys, I'm new... Really new. As in, my day job is at 20th Century Fox and this is becoming my night job. I'm testing out Meraki gear for a hotel I'm building (yes, by night). My test site is in Sherman Oaks and I'm located in Beverly Hills. If I tunnel in using VPN, can I run wireshark on my machine in Beverly Hills to assess the 'test network' in Sherman Oaks? Or, should I screenshaire with a machine on the local network in Sherman Oaks and run WireShark from there? Thanks, Alex Kirkwood asked 22 Sep '13, 18:54 DieTrying |
One Answer:
No. Reason: How are the packets form Sherman Oaks supposed to get into the VPN tunnel to your Wireshark system in Beverly Hills?
Yes. Regards answered 23 Sep '13, 01:09 Kurt Knochner ♦ |