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IP checksum


Is the packet considered invalid and not read by applications if the ip header checksum is wrong?

if so, help me in calculating it..

asked 22 Sep '13, 23:54

Raja%20Balaji's gravatar image

Raja Balaji
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Is the packet considered invalid and not read by applications if the ip header checksum is wrong?

The OS will drop the packet if the IP checksum is incorrect.

HOWEVER: Are you sure it is wrong? Maybe Wireshark just displays a different checksum due to TCP/IP offloading.

if so, help me in calculating it..

See here


answered 23 Sep '13, 01:07

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 23 Sep '13, 01:12

looks like you're getting slightly feed up with those kind of questions, Kurt - LmGtfY is working overtime today ;-)

(23 Sep '13, 05:23) Jasper ♦♦

Actually no, but LmGtfY is a nice way to post google searches (I like the animation). O.K., I admit that it includes a tiny bit of 'education', especially for the very obvious questions. ;-)

(23 Sep '13, 05:27) Kurt Knochner ♦