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Not able to install winpcap 4.1.3


My problem is that I have uninstalled 4.1.2 and yet - when I try to install 4.1.3 - I get the message:

A previous version of WinPcap has been detected on this system and cannot be removed because in use by another application.

What shall I do? Now I can't run WireShark because I don't have WinPcap in my system ...

:o) Truls

Truls Hjelle, M. Sc. in Mathematics CCIE #22714 Routing & Switching Mobile (+47) 4500 2417 mailto:[email protected]

Hjelle Datacom Consulting NO 911 849 577 MVA

asked 23 Sep '13, 02:09

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accept rate: 0%

did you try this:

(23 Sep '13, 02:24) Kurt Knochner ♦

Kurt, you are just part of the problem now, because when I WAS googling for a solution, I come to this post and follow your stupid link and waste time watching the stupid crap.

Here is my solution

(28 Oct '14, 09:25) J4E

I don't see where my link is stupid in any way. That google search returns possible solutions. If they don't work in your environment, who can blame google for that?

(29 Oct '14, 05:36) Kurt Knochner ♦