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Using Wireshark to find out what’s causing slowness in streamiung youtube videos


Hello Experts,

I am streaming a youtube video on my system. Sometimes it plays very fast and sometimes it just becomes slow. I want to know how to use wireshark to find out where the problem is coming from. Whether its coming from network fluctuations from my ISP or wherever.

Thank you.

asked 24 Sep '13, 22:36

topzy2000's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


I want to know how to use wireshark to find out where the problem is coming from.

Capture a session and check if Wireshark shows a 'more than usual' number of

  • [TCP Dup ACK ..]
  • [TCP Retransmission]
  • [TCP Previous segment lost]
  • [TCP Window Full]
  • [TCP ZeroWindow]

Whether its coming from network fluctuations from my ISP or wherever.

With only one capture point at the client, it's very hard to figure out who/what causes the problems, especially if the problem is within the ISP network, as you cannot distinguish those problems from problems 'in the internet' or from problems in the youtube network and/or servers.

In a home environment, I would tend to look at the client itself (your PC) as the most likely reason for the problem, like some software that slows it down occasionally.


answered 25 Sep '13, 02:25

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%