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Why am I getting DUP ACK from the HOST and retransmissions from the SERVER?


When I see the trace in wireshark, what I see is the client sending DUP ACK to the server and the server keeps on Retransmitting the data? What does this situation signify? How to correct this?

asked 25 Sep '13, 06:36

Vaibhav%20Khare's gravatar image

Vaibhav Khare
accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Sep '13, 11:21

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦

Your situation is not clear. Do you have a trace that you can upload to If not: how many DUP ACKs do you see? are they all for the same packet, or are there many DUP ACKs for different packets? Are the retransmissions for the same packet, or for different packets? How did you capture? On a SPAN port? Multiple source ports/VLANs, or just one port?

(25 Sep '13, 10:18) Jasper ♦♦