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Wireshark support for USB Alfa Network wireless adapter AWUS036NH


I have an Alfa Network USB wireless adapter AWUS036NH. Can it be used to capture wireless management traffic in Wireshark? It does not show up in the list of interfaces in Wireshark. I was told it provided support within Windows 7.

asked 25 Sep '13, 10:53

mfuszner's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


If you want to capture wlan/wifi traffic on Windows, you need something different than WinPcap (the library used by Wireshark), because WinPcap does not support monitor mode, regardless of the device used.

So, in short: You can't use Wireshark on Windows to capture wlan/wifi traffic with the AWUS036NH.

Your options are:

  • Buy an AirPcap adapter (rather expensive compared to the AWUS036NH, for private use)
  • Capture on Linux. Several distributions provide a driver for the AWUS036NH (e.g. Kali Linux)
  • On Windows: Try to capture with Microsoft Network Monitor. Maybe it detects the USB adapter and is able to enable/handle monitor mode for it.

See also here:


answered 25 Sep '13, 12:25

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 25 Sep '13, 12:31