I did a capture with wireshark on the port where our Cisco 3500 AP is connected and I have a ton of errors for the CAPWAP header. The "Expert Info" Message is (Warn/Malformed): Wrong Calculate length (11) =! header lenght (15) ! (May be try to use Cisco Wireless Controller Support Preference ?) I did a capture at the end of the day when I was the only one in the office (PC, iPhone, a couple of iPads) and I did it during the middle of the day with a good number of clients connected a lot more Apple products. It seems to have a lot more of those errors with apple devices. In fact, that is how I fist noticed it. I was trying to trouble shoot an AP that was dropping apple products. Is this message stating that WireShark is calculating that the header to be a certain length and it's actual length is different thus giving the warning? Has anyone here encountered this problem and if so do you have a fix? asked 25 Sep '13, 18:45 djroge1 |
I have same errors (from time to time). Have no idea why it is like this... at least now.