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MacBookPro on Airport Extreme WPA2 Password Network Only Sees Its Own Traffic



I have a MacBookPro3,1 (OS X 10.8.5) on an Airport Extreme network. I am running Wireshark 1.10.2. The problem I have is that I only see traffic directed to/from my system, despite the fact I know that there is other traffic on the WiFi network (such as from an identical MBP next to the one running WireShark and streaming traffic to Apple TV). I will qualify that by saying that I see broadcast and multicast traffic from other devices (ARP, MDNS, etc.), but no point-to-point traffic.

The network is secured with WPA2 password. The laptop's wireless interface (en1) is in promiscuous mode. But, I only see my own traffic. All devices are on the 5GHz network.

Any idea what I may be doing wrong?


asked 27 Sep '13, 19:45

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The laptop's wireless interface (en1) is in promiscuous mode

Is it in monitor mode? (If the traffic you're capturing has Ethernet headers, it's not in monitor mode.)

(27 Sep '13, 23:33) Guy Harris ♦♦

One Answer:


I have tried enabling monitor mode, and it simply adds to the mix the AP's broadcast frames, and my MPB's layer 2 traffic (protocol 802.11).

If I filter on wlan.addr for my MAC, I get all my traffic, both IP and layer 2.

If I filter on the MAC for any other system on the network that is actively sending/receiving, I only get the IP broadcast or multicast traffic that originates from those systems. I see none of their layer 2 traffic and none of their other IP traffic.

Bottom line: For some reason it is acting as if my wireless interface is not getting set to promiscuous mode. However, the interface clearly thinks it is in promiscuous mode:

$ ifconfig en1


Any other ideas? PLEASE!!

I should add that I never had problems under Snow Leopard, that it only started after an upgrade to Mt. Lion (a year ago?) and I have ignored the problem until now, but I'm desperate to get it working to help debug some other aving.


answered 28 Sep '13, 02:04

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