Hello how to make Tshark ignore writing an empty file if the filter in -R doesn't return any result ? asked 30 Sep '13, 00:35 Ziad Kiwan |
One Answer:
by changing the code. What are you trying to do? Maybe there is another solution? Regards answered 30 Sep '13, 02:07 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
i made a bash script that reads like 10000 pcap and cut the data from each 100MB file pcap and put in another file in the same pcap name some pcaps may contain the data some doesn't so i want only pcaps that contains the data to be written and if not it doesn't write anything not an empty pcap with the file name
As I said, that behavior can be changed by changing the tshark source code.
In your case, it's easy to remove the empty files in the bash script.
Run these commands after you ran tshark. Replace file.pcap with the name tshark wrote.
capinfos looks for the number of packets in the file. If there are 0 packets, egrep will retun 0 as exit code. In that case you can delete the file.
Wow that's something new to learn thank you man! real appreciated!
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i couldn't find it before now i did thank you