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Diameter End-2-End question


I am using WS on a Diameter trace. I am looking for records that do not have a matching end-to-end value. In the trace file the Diameter packets are identified with a [Request in: xxx] tag or the tag [Answer In: yyy] where xxx and yyy are record numbers. My objective is to find all orphaned Diameter records, meaning the records that do not have a matching end-to-end value or do not have matching Tags (mated Request – Answer). I am looking for Request messages that do not have an response.

asked 01 Oct '13, 11:02

plaurie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


This display filter should do the trick:

diameter.flags.request == 1 && !diameter.answer_in

That's asking for all Diameter Request messages that Wireshark didn't find/link an answer to.

(Since you appear to be new here: if this answers your question, please Accept the answer by clicking on the check box next to the answer.)

answered 01 Oct '13, 17:40

JeffMorriss's gravatar image

JeffMorriss ♦
accept rate: 27%

Thank You Jeff, I worked like a charm.

(01 Oct '13, 18:49) plaurie

You're welcome. I went ahead and Accepted this answer for you (by clicking on the checkbox). That way this question doesn't show up in the list of "unanswered questions."

(02 Oct '13, 06:07) JeffMorriss ♦