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Can’t see any packets originating from my IP.


I have a Dell Lattitude E5530 with a Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigibit NIC in it. This isn't wireless. I just installed Wireshark 1.10.2, this is the first time Wireshark has ever been installed on this laptop. I didn't add any filters, capture or display. When I run a capture on my NIC, I never see any traffic that originated from my IP addresss. I do not have IPv6 installed. I see traffic that originates else where and my IP is the destination. Does anyone have any idea what might be the issue here?

Thanks in advance.

asked 02 Oct '13, 09:42

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edited 02 Oct '13, 09:44

What firewall\av products are installed on the machine?

(02 Oct '13, 10:32) grahamb ♦

And VPN Software...

(02 Oct '13, 10:42) Kurt Knochner ♦

I turned off the windows firewall. I have Vipre AV. I do have VPN software however it was not running and the VPN adapter was disabled during my captures. The strange thing is I have a desktop with the same AV and firewall configuration, no VPN obviously but I have zero issues with Wireshark v 1.8.5

(03 Oct '13, 13:56) sjc1969

One Answer:


Since the VPN software installs drivers in the networking stack, it can interfere with the workings of WinPcap, even when the VPN adapter is disabled (the drivers are still there). Can you try removing the VPN software?

I try to avoid running VPN client software on any system that I need to make captures with.

answered 04 Oct '13, 00:22

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SYN-bit ♦♦
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