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Modem isnt listed on interface


Why wireshark is not show my modem (huawei mobile broadband) on "interface" list, whereas 3 months ago it shows as well ?

the last month i use it on July 2013. It CAN IDENTIFY my modem on interface list, and can captured packets as well. Then I didn't use wireshark again about 3month. When today i opened my wireshark, it CAN NOT IDENTIFY my modem on my interface list like it did 3 months ago.

What do you thinking this could be happened? Whats wrong with my wireshark?

I've try soo many tips like unistall it, uninstal modem, then install wireshark again. Reinstall winpcap, etc. FYI, i use window 7, wireshark 1.8.6 and winpcap 4.1.2.

Need help, Thanks :)

asked 04 Oct '13, 03:04

sekar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Oct '13, 03:19

One Answer:


Please try as Administrator (in an elevated DOS box)

sc stop npf
sc start npf

while the modem is connected.


answered 04 Oct '13, 03:25

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 04 Oct '13, 04:03

thanks, but it didn't work :( The only interface shown is microsoft device.

(04 Oct '13, 04:51) sekar

Do you see it with

dumpcap -D -M

identified by the ip address?

(04 Oct '13, 06:05) Kurt Knochner ♦

yes, i also see it with dumpcap -D, wireshark only shows microsoft interface. Why could this happened? Everything was oke 3 months ago..

(04 Oct '13, 07:35) sekar

wireshark only shows microsoft interface.

Wireshark (together with WinPcap) shows interfaces that are not Ethernet (and/or not identified otherwise) as "Microsoft", I believe due to the "intermediate drivers" or so. This is rather often the case for USB attached devices like your modem and/or Wifi devices.

So I'm not sure why/how Wireshark would have shown it with another name than 'Microsoft' a couple of months ago!?! Are you sure? What was the name back then?

Naming of interfaces has changes a bit during the Wireshark releases, so you may just try a recent version of Wireshark and see how the interface is named there. With a recent version, you can also name the interface yourself.

Edit -> Preferences -> Capture -> Interfaces [Edit]

Select the interface and add a comment. That comment will then be shown in the Wireshark interface list (not dumpcap).

If you don't have that option, please upgrade Wireshark.

(07 Oct '13, 14:34) Kurt Knochner ♦

but my usb modem is still doesnt appear on interface list..

I thought you see it as Microsoft interface !??!

yes, i also see it with dumpcap -D, wireshark only shows microsoft interface.

(08 Oct '13, 09:43) Kurt Knochner ♦

what i mean is on the wireshark interface list only show 2 interface which is wireless network connection and wireless network connection 2.

They were show as 'microsoft', by default, on the interface list (older version).

My modem should be appeared as qualcomm- or something. But only wireless network connection shown.

(09 Oct '13, 01:03) sekar

Maybe I misunderstood you. Do you see the modem in the interface list (possibly also as "Microsoft") after sc stop npf and sc start npf while the modem is connected and in use?

(09 Oct '13, 01:49) Kurt Knochner ♦

I didnt see my modem even after sc stop npf and sc start npf while the modem is in use. (Now that my wireshark has been updaated, there are no more 'microsoft' again, but 'wireless network connection')

(10 Oct '13, 22:05) sekar

I didnt see my modem even after sc stop npf and sc start npf while the modem is in use.

O.K. what do you believe to have seen in July 2013? Did you see the modem in the list back then?

(11 Oct '13, 00:12) Kurt Knochner ♦

i'm not only see the modem in the interface list, but i also capturing data from it..

yesterday, i tried instaling wireshark on the other laptop (different os, 32 bit and also 64, different modem too) and wireshark still didnt identify the modem.. Is there something i need to do?

(11 Oct '13, 07:52) sekar

How does your modem appear in Windows Device Manager? Wireshark can capture data on an ethernet interface (USB CDC ECM) but it does not support PPP or NCM based interfaces for example.

(11 Oct '13, 11:28) Pascal Quantin

i'm not only see the modem in the interface list, but i also capturing data from it..

I have no idea why it is not detected this time.

Did you really capture with Wireshark and not with a different sniffer like Microsoft Network Monitor?

Did you upgrade your system or did you make any other (substantial) changes to the system?

(14 Oct '13, 07:01) Kurt Knochner ♦
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