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Broadband Connection Issue?


Frequently my broadband connection is getting disconnected. I have raised a fault ticket number several times, but from ISP end they are not giving any proper response. They blindly say it may be due to faulty modem. But the modem / router (NETGEAR DGN1000) which i use is a brand new one. And i dont think that might be the problem. Any way to findout where the packet drops and the issue is in which end? either the issue is in my end or it is from ISP. Any help would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

asked 06 Oct '13, 18:09

Karthick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Frequently my broadband connection is getting disconnected.

Well, if the connection itself is disconnected, then the problem is likely to be your ISP or your modem. In either case you need to capture the DSL communication with your provider. Unfortunately you cannot do that without special hardware (DSL sniffer), so the only option you have is to check the logs of the router or get a router with an open source OS (dd-wrt or openwrt) that gives more options for troubleshooting.


answered 07 Oct '13, 07:52

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%