Hi, I am playing a youtube video. I have collected the tcpdump. How can I check the total bandwidth using wireshark for the particular youtube video. asked 06 Oct '13, 23:22 sysadm270180 |
2 Answers:
You could use the statistics menu, e.g. the summary which gives you a total over the whole file or (if you applied a filter to the Youtube stream) also the throughput of the conversation. The other thing you could look at is the conversation statistics - if you can identify the youtube stream it gives you the bandwidth for the connection as well. answered 07 Oct '13, 00:44 Jasper ♦♦ |
The bandwidth is most certainly not static throughout the connection, so you should look at the IO graphs for that conversation. Find the video stream:
Pick the one with a destination IP of Youtube or the conversation with the most transferred bytes (works only if you did not download anything else during the video stream). Click on the stream and select "Follow Stream" (Button). Wireshark will now auto-create a display filter like this:
Copy-Paste that filter and then open the IO graphs.
Paste your filter into the first Filter: field. Then choose "Bits/Tick" as Unit and click on the Button "Graph 1". You will now see the bandwidth used by that stream throughout the whole conversation. Regards answered 07 Oct '13, 08:04 Kurt Knochner ♦ |