Hello all, I am very new to Wireshark, and I have been told that its possible to find an intruder's operating system in my packet capture. I have the capture, but I'm not exactly sure what to look for, regarding the operating systems. Can anyone offer some advice? asked 07 Oct '13, 06:36 Ruinzifra edited 07 Oct '13, 06:42 |
2 Answers:
There are some signs to find the OS, but none of them are 100% reliable.
Furthermore read about: passive OS detection Regards answered 07 Oct '13, 07:46 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 08 Oct '13, 04:42 |
I've been working on the Nitroba University Harassment Scenario, which requires identification of individual hosts (not just operating systems) behind a NAT gateway using passive fingerprinting techniques. I found that the IPid, TTL, and TCP source port were rewritten by the gateway (as expected). The IPid was fully randomised, and the TTL was set to a fixed value (64) by the gateway. Also, HTTP user agents can be changed easily in software (I use the Firefox User Agent Switcher plugin for this). The attributes I've settled on that should work to identify operating systems in this scenario are:
Databases of these criteria don't seem to be publicly available, based on my searches. (Corrections gratefully accepted.) To identify individual hosts, the following seem necessary:
answered 16 May '14, 17:39 paulgear edited 16 May '14, 17:55 |
Thank you so much Kurt! That is along the lines of what I was thinking, but I needed to double check. Excellent info and answer.
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