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Configuration file “disabled_protos” NOT Found


Hi all, I'm reading an introduction of tshark . In which, I see there is a globla and personal configuration file "disabled_protos" to disable some protocols. Then I find global preference on my Windows 7 at

"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\preferences"

but the directory "preferences" not found . And i check on my server which install Linux with root user at


but the directory "preferences" also not found. About the personal preference. I got the same thing when I check these locations:

cd ~
ls -a


cd /home
ls -a

I cannot find .wireshark as mentioned in that link. I use wireshark 1.10 for both of Windows7 and Linux. Could you please help me to find out this config file. Thanks so much.

asked 10 Oct '13, 00:27

hoangsonk49's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

edited 10 Oct '13, 00:27


On my windows 7 system the file is in C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Wireshark NOTE the files may be hidden.

(10 Oct '13, 01:00) Anders ♦

Thanks, I also found it on my Win7.

(10 Oct '13, 01:10) hoangsonk49

Also look at the Help | About dialog, on the Folders tab.

(10 Oct '13, 01:37) grahamb ♦

One Answer:


The file won't actually exist until you disable a protocol in Wireshark. At that point Wireshark creates the file, so you can try disabling a protocol from within Wireshark and then try to locate the file. Once you've verified that you know the correct location, you can delete it or overwrite it to disable protocols for both tshark and Wireshark.

answered 14 Oct '13, 04:42

beroset's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%