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Is it possible to display the program that is generating the network I/O?


First of all, thank you. Wireshark is an incredible tool. I use it way too much. My wife thinks she is a computer widow...

One thing that would be a nice-to-have. For the packets originating on my computer, is there a way to determine which program (binary) is actually requesting the I/O, and displaying that along with the normal Wireshark output? Kind of like Wireshark and TCPView combined...

Just an idea. It would be very help to know which program is generating the I/O, and the precise I/O that is being generated.

Once again, thanks for a fabulous program.

Jeff Kayser

asked 10 Oct '13, 08:10

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accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


Not currently. It was one of the ideas for a Google Summer of Code project but (AFAIK) the proposal never went anywhere.

answered 10 Oct '13, 11:25

JeffMorriss's gravatar image

JeffMorriss ♦
accept rate: 27%


answered 10 Oct '13, 14:29

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Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%