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Airplay why is it so flakey? anyone have a packet capture?


Before I bust out my switch capable of doing spans, does anyone have packet captures of IPAD/IPHONE/etc. connecting to receivers for airplay? I'm thinking it uses some type of multicast to find each other, but I wasn't sure. And not being tied to the Apple ecosystem, too lazy to go ready docs.

If anyone has such a trace, I'd love to take a look. If not, I'll drag up my switch and plug it in on my Denon receiver.

asked 12 Oct '13, 07:14

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accept rate: 12%

I believe to have read that AirPlay uses Bonjour and thus mDNS for service discovery. Unfortunately I cannot find that article right now and I don't have a pcap at hand.


(12 Oct '13, 16:26) Kurt Knochner ♦

No Problemo. I'll get my switch out tomorrow and see why the IPads are not connecting to the Denon receivers (but sometimes, it works)

(12 Oct '13, 21:40) hansangb