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TCP Reassembly error while capturing Cisco VPN client traffic


I am getting the same error. We have a few users who connect to the corporate network using Cisco VPN Client software. They open up two Explorer windows, each with a UNC path to two different shares on the same file server. When they try to copy a file from one share to another while VPN'd in from home, it just sits there saying "Calculating..." and eventually times out. A wireshark capture on the Cisco Systems VPN adapter shows multiple "Reassembly errors" saying "Reassembly error, protocol TCP: New fragment overlaps old data (retransmission?)]. Further into the packet says it's malformed. Same as the image in another question(in red). How would I even begin to diagnose this?

This packet's info has a TCP Retransmission errr, has a "Source" IP address of the VPN adapter ( and the destination is the file server's internal IP address (

There are other packet errors where the source and destination IP address are reversed and those packet errors report TCP Dup ACK.

Any ideas anyone?

UPDATE: I would also like to mention, this issue is Cisco Client VPN specific. I installed the Shrew VPN Client software, imported the PCF file and it works perfectly.

EDIT: I converted your comment to a new question, as your problem is (most certainly) not related to the one in the original question.

asked 14 Oct '13, 12:34

g0ldeneye's gravatar image

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edited 14 Oct '13, 13:44

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦

where did you capture? On the system with the VPN client software?

(14 Oct '13, 13:39) Kurt Knochner ♦