I want to use a command line filter to sort out the traffic by protocol. For example, how can I show other traffic aside from http? Also how can I then get a count of how many TCP sessions exist my packet capture? asked 15 Oct '13, 13:45 jayhawk100 |
One Answer:
There are several ways of doing this. A simple display filter like "not tcp.port==80" (or whatever port http is using) will do it. Also, Statistics, Conversations (TCP Tab) will show you how many streams are in play. answered 15 Oct '13, 14:19 hansangb |
Thanks, I figured I could use a filter syntax like "not http",etc. For the second question, how would I get those conversation statistics from the command line? I don't have the gui on my older linux OS.
tshark -z conv,tcp -q -r somefilehere.pcap
-z says give me the stats for tcp conversation -q says give me the summary and not a per packet info.