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MIPv6 protocol: wireshark is showing malformed packet for mobility option - “3GPP Specific PMIPv6 error code”


For MIPv6 protocol, wireshark is showing malformed packet when I try to send the mobility option - "3GPP Specific PMIPv6 error code" according to the specification: 3GPP TS 29.275 V10.7.0 (2013-03), Page 68 in any of the following messages: Proxy Binding Acknowledgement (PBA) or Binding Revocation Acknowledgment (BRA). The packet is encoded exactly as described in the specification, but wireshark is showing the aforementioned mobility option as "malformed packet".

asked 17 Oct '13, 05:33

Arindam's gravatar image

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answered 17 Oct '13, 07:19

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Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%