Hi, Where can i find updates for Wireshark running under OSX Mavericks? Current version is: 1.11.0 r52474 Qt 5.1.1 Thnx Loe asked 19 Oct '13, 02:30 Loe Walter |
One Answer:
We do not guarantee that 1.11.0 - or any development build - will work properly on all versions of the OSes we support. There are currently some issues with Qt 5.1.x and Mavericks; if you want to run Wireshark on Mavericks, you will have to run one of the official releases, such as 1.10.2, or figure out how to work around those issues and build Qt and Wireshark yourself. I suggest running one of the official releases. answered 19 Oct '13, 16:11 Guy Harris ♦♦ |