Hello Expert, I would like a question about AMR codec in RTP. With a pcap of sip call, I have known that the payload can be played in Wireshark if tht codec is PCMU. But it seems like the original wireshark does not support AMR very well. Is it possibe to make wireshark to play AMR payload? Thanks a lot. BR, Gao asked 20 Oct '13, 00:04 gao |
2 Answers:
As far as I know the AMR codec requires a license and can't be included in Wireshark. answered 20 Oct '13, 07:41 Anders ♦ |
As AMR is not supported by Wireshark, here is what you can do.
Regards answered 21 Oct '13, 03:22 Kurt Knochner ♦ |