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Wireshark TZSP to regular 802.11 ?


Hello, as you know , the captured files with TZSP is not usefull for Aircrack-NG. is there anyway to convert TZSP to something that Aircrack can use it.

when i want use tzsp captured files in aircrack it give me this error

This file is not a regular 802.11 (wireless) capture. Read 0 packets. No networks found, exiting.

asked 22 Oct '13, 17:00

itboys's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Oct '13, 17:00

i found one tools

but there is no file for download now!

(22 Oct '13, 17:28) itboys

One Answer:


is there anyway to convert TZSP to something that Aircrack can use it.

You can strip the unwanted headers (ethernet up to UDP) with bittwiste.

bittwiste -I tzsp.pcap -O tzsp-stripped.pcap -D 0-4F

Hint 1: I'm not sure about the range 0-4F. If you are able to post a small pcap file with TZSP somewhere (google drive, dropbox,, I'll check it.

The resulting file will only contain IEEE 802.11 frames, actually anything that was encapsulated in TZSP.

Hint 2: There is no simple way to generate a radiotap header from the values of the TZSP header, so you'll probably loose that information!

bittwiste is part of the Bit-Twist tool package

See also here:
but there is no file for download now!

There is code. Please run these commands on a linux system

Hint 3: A libpcap devel package needs to be installed on your linux system to be able to build the tool!


answered 28 Oct '13, 09:17

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 28 Oct '13, 09:22

nice reply mate, yes tzsp2cap work fine.

(28 Oct '13, 19:09) itboys

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(29 Oct '13, 02:51) grahamb ♦

nice reply mate, yes tzsp2cap work fine.

Yep. It does basically what I tried to describe with bittwiste (would work too), only the number of bytes I was using (4F) is wrong. According to the tool it's 3F. So, you would run bittwiste like this:

bittwiste -I tzsp.pcap -O tzsp-stripped.pcap -D 0-3F

(29 Oct '13, 04:13) Kurt Knochner ♦