I can not see the screenshot (campany's web proxy), but this is the workflow I follow...
- Capture the udp stream.
- With wireshark, right mouse, and Follow UDP Stream.
- Under the window "Follow UDP Stream", there is a combo: Select the direction of the stream you want to hear.
- Leave "RAW" an press Save As, and put the file in your hard disk, for example c:\tmp\listen.raw
Now, you need an audio program, I use Adobe Audition (COOLEDIT before)
- File->Open As, select your file c:\tmp\listen.raw, and a new window appears.
- Select sample rate, Mono/Stereo and bits per sample. You must try different parameters until you find the correct values or know exactly them from another source.
- In the second window (I don't know the title in English, but must be something like "Interprete sample format as") I usually put the same values as the second's.
- A third window called "PCM Raw Data (no header)" is presented. Play a little with the options. In telephony, A-Law or Mu-Law encoding is used, but I suppose is not your scenario. Click OK.
- The decoded audio is presented and you can play, pause, etc with the "Transport" window under the waveform.
I hope this solves your doubt.
answered 23 Oct '13, 00:30
Chirrin Dul Ari
accept rate: 0%
Hey that's interesting! I'll try that for saving audio. However it's not what I needed. What I wanted is to grab the Stream URL. For example, http://live.radio.com:8080/play.m3u
I tried searching on the HTML code of some Mixlr channel but couldn't find any clue.