Hi, In the packet details i am not seeing any 802.11 related IEs and informations While capturing WLAN packets using the latest versions of Wireshark on Windows XP. But it is able to decode and display 802.11 IEs when we are opening a sniffer file which was captured using older development versions of Wireshark. Anyone came across this kind of issue. Please let me know how i can rectify this issue. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Pandiya asked 23 Oct '13, 05:40 Pandiya |
One Answer:
That's not supported on Wireshark on Windows except with an AirPcap card, as WinPcap (which is what Wireshark uses to capture traffic) doesn't support it. See the CaptureSetup/WLAN in the Wireshark Wiki for details on capturing full 802.11 traffic (rather than pretend-Ethernet data traffic). answered 23 Oct '13, 18:45 Guy Harris ♦♦ |