Hi all. How to add delta time I/O graph in wireshark source code ? and How to add delta time dissector in wireshark source code? please give information. asked 01 Nov '13, 07:55 Emily |
One Answer:
There is already delta time in many places in wireshark. What kind of delta time do you want to need? If you want to track request/response delta times for your specific protocol, you need to track the timestamps in conversation data and then add a field <proto>.time to your dissector. Then you can automatically use that within IO graphs. You could have a look at the dns dissector to see how it is implemented there. answered 03 Nov '13, 03:10 SYN-bit ♦♦ |
If you look for the code for the field "frame.time_delta_displayed", have a look at http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/trunk/epan/dissectors/packet-frame.c?revision=52897&view=markup