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Could someone explain me differences in HTTP protocol’s info?


Excuse me, if this question will be totally "noob" , but I am actually a newbie in capturing packets with Wireshark. But back to my question. I'm currently capturing packets ingoing and outgoing from my iPad. I filtered them to show only HTTP protocols. And now I get hundreds of different protocols with info. And the info tab near this protocols says it's 'POST', 'NOTIFY' or 'GET' . Ok I tried to find some information about all this three types. I got that 'GET' are protocols that is going to me. In that case 'POST' will be protocols that are going from me. What's with 'NOTIFY' then? Like I said, I'm just starting my adventure here, so would really appreciate any help, hints, advice !

Thanks in advance!


asked 01 Nov '13, 12:42

JustZet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


"GET", "POST", "NOTIFY" etc are not protocols, they're HTTP requests. HTTP requests are commands that the client sends to the server, and which will trigger a response from the server. The difference between "GET" (the most common request type) and "POST" is that GET by design requests content without modifying server state, while "POST" transfers form values that are processed on the server side.

"NOTIFY" is probably part of the SSDP (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) which uses HTTP requests to do Universal Plug & Play detection of other services available in the network.

answered 01 Nov '13, 15:52

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

thanks a lot Jasper!

(02 Nov '13, 04:02) JustZet

One (grammatical) "correction", "GET", "POST", "NOTIFY" are actually "request methods" which of course make it possible to make HTTP requests.

You can find more info on the character of each request method in chapter 9 of the HTTP 1.1 RFC.

(03 Nov '13, 03:03) SYN-bit ♦♦