I have installed wireshar on Ubuntu, i need to store all the packets that wireshark detects into a database. is that possible? and how? asked 05 Nov '13, 05:06 Nolan Antấo edited 05 Nov '13, 05:19 grahamb ♦ |
2 Answers:
No, it's not possible with Wireshark, unless somebody adds that functionality. However, see my answer to a similar question. Regards answered 05 Nov '13, 05:18 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Do you tried with C5 Sigma? I have the same problem and I found it tool. More info: http://www.commandfive.com/downloads/c5sigma.html Please if you solved the problem. I need to know how!? answered 07 Jan '14, 07:59 sebgang |
as mentioned in the answer (and question) I posted the link for ;-))