I was transmitting UDP packets from an Arduino with out being able to detect them. When I used Wireshark to capture the packages, they started coming into my receiving program they way they should. As soon as I closed Wireshark the packages were no longer received. Any ideas on why this is and what I need to change to my settings? Thank you in advance. asked 07 Nov '13, 13:39 Bartp edited 07 Nov '13, 16:07 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
There are several reports about similar behavior. However there is no common reason for all cases. The most plausible reason is:
If you post a sample capture file (one packet should be enough) somewhere (google drive, dropbox, cloudshark.org) we may be able to find the reason. Regards answered 07 Nov '13, 15:07 Kurt Knochner ♦ edited 07 Nov '13, 16:30 |
Thank you for your reply
Here is a screen dump: https://dyp.im/oKcPi1S9Eh
I can already see that there is no mac adress defined for the packet to go to, that might cause problems. However, i cannot influence what mac adress to send the packet too. Only IP and port. I'm using an arduino ethernet library that does not support this.
I can not find good instructions for windows to set the card into promiscuous mode. Do you have any suggestions?
well, the destination address is 0:0:0:0:0:0. The NIC of your PC will not react upon that frame as it is not its own MAC address. As soon as you start Wireshark, the interface goes into promiscuous mode and then the NIC reacts on all MAC addresses. As soon as the NIC receives the packet, your OS (and Wireshark) will also see it.
That's bad.
Well, then it will never work.
I rather guess you missed something, as that would be a huge problem for all Arduino users. A library that works like that, would be totally useless.
That's not the solution. The solution is to fix the code on Arduino and I'm sure there are qualified people on an Arduino forum that can help you with the ethernet library. Please check the following example:
Maybe ARP requests are not working well in a local network with Arduino. Try to call EthernetBegin() with the IP address of your server ( as gateway
mac: Arduino MAC address
IP: Arduino IP address
DNS: Network DNS server (set it to your target server)
gateway: Usually the router in the local network. However, try to set it to your target server (
Thank you for your suggestions. This does not work. I can still receive OK though.
well, then I suggest to talk to Arduino gurus or open a support ticket (if that is possible). Maybe a firmware update will help !?!
At least you know, why it does not work: wrong/missing destination MAC address. If there is a solution to that problem (except promiscuous mode on the receiver), please update here for the benefit of others.
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