I can't meet the URL to download a video, i could like to know how see the rtmp for this link http://www.alfaconcursos.com.br/cursos/detalhe/329/caixa_economica_federal_caixa.html how i can see the paramenters by this movie with wireshark? i am trying to down with rtmpdump... any idea? asked 07 Nov '13, 15:16 Sm86 |
One Answer:
There is no cleartext RTMP involved. There is a flash player (JW player) embedded that 'might' use RTMPS (RTMP over SSL), as the whole communication is encrypted, as soon as the video plays. Unless you have further debugging tools for that flash player (JW player) or you have access to the server private keys, you won't be able to decrypt the data and thus your won't be able to dissect RTMP (if it is used at all - you simply can't tell because of the encryption). However: If you look at the source code of the page, you'll find some Javascript code that refers to RTMPS, so chances are that its being used. So, to answer your question:
unless you can decrypt the traffic somehow (debugging the player or access to the keys), you won't be able to know anything about 'the rtmp for this link' Regards answered 07 Nov '13, 15:32 Kurt Knochner ♦ showing 5 of 8 show 3 more comments |
Well, i have the SecurityToken key, to acess the server and download the movie but i need always the correct link. I am amateur in this so, if you have some idea to down this, i could try...
What do you mean? You can log into that server (www.alfaconcursos.com.br) via RDP or ssh and have admin access?
Even if so, that won't help you, as the video is downloaded from (www.51a31bcacc912.streamlock.net)
I'm sorry, maybe my english is a little bad. But i am not admin that site...
I bought this course, and some videos are protected and others not so much. With rtmpdump I got some videos, after I discovered the tokensecurety. But now, I can't find the correct link. it's down from this site: rtmps://51a31bcacc912.streamlock.net/alfaconcursos2s but i need the second parament like "mp4:200/....."
Well, I guess there is a good reason why they are protected !??!
As you can't decrypt the traffic, you will not be able to find that link/parameter.
I guess the encryption is there to prevent people from doing exactly that.
I guess they have good reasons to do it. As I have also good to take down this limit. The reason is to protect their interests and mine is to be able to study anywhere. I want to study in the mobile phone during the day, when I have free time and the platform does not allow. In this case I must seek to meet, after all I paid for it. =( By the way If i did, i come back to talk about... Anyway, thanks so much!
well, then have a look at a video download helper plugin for your browser: https://www.google.com/?q=firefox+video+downloader
I tryed but nothing. I am search some similar way...
Ya old buddy google has some hints ;-)