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Alternatives to Network Instruments Gigastor


All My company uses NI gigastor to mine packets from our network so that we can go back in time to troubleshoot issues found. I know of 2 products; NI's Gigastor and Wild Packets, are there any other producsts I may not know about? My primary client for packet inspection is Wireshark. Can anyone help? Thank you,

asked 07 Nov '13, 17:21

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edited 19 Nov '13, 13:52

How is this related to Wireshark?

(08 Nov '13, 04:13) grahamb ♦

This not directly concerning Wireshark, but a tool used to mine packets, in which I use Wireshark to investigate problems in my network. I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask the largest packet collection community.

(19 Nov '13, 13:34) mrbmeisen

grahamb is right has nothing to do with wirshark. I will modify my question. If this should not be here I will kill my post.

(19 Nov '13, 13:48) mrbmeisen