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what will broadcast when i will change the ip address


What will capture when i change the ip address.

I install wireshark and i change the ip address of that pc.

From otherside if i change the pc ip address how do i know that pc has change the ip address.

Scenario-1: One pc that i have with wireshark. Ip address is Wireshark is running. Now i change the ip address which is not in the network.

Now what will capture wireshark?

Scenario-2: Now what happen if will in the network?? Does it capture the data with same ip but different mac?

Scenario-3: What will first happen when the ip address change from both end PC.


asked 10 Nov '13, 21:13

snpatel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


sounds a bit like a homework assignment...

We know nothing about your PC

  • what type of OS is it running
  • what kind of security software (firewalls, endpoint security, etc.) is installed
  • type of interface (ethernet, wifi)
  • network configuration of your OS

As a result, nobody here will be able to answer the questions as they were posted.

Solution: Why don't you start Wireshark on your system and watch what is being sent/broadcasted while you change the IP address !?! Simple problem, simple solution ;-))


answered 11 Nov '13, 07:16

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 11 Nov '13, 07:18

IT not a tutorial or assignment. But i am trying to find out that what is going to happen? I am learning wire shark so it is totally new for me. I install it and
simply capture the packet but it is very difficult that just in few second i get lots of data. But i found capture the packet from destination ip address and ip address to type a ip.dst==ipaddress and ipaddr==ipaddress.

Now i just want to know that how can i perform the above task for my knowledge? I hope you will help me to find it out.


(13 Nov '13, 20:56) snpatel

There are all sorts of filters you can run on the data apart from the ip addresses, have a look at following

(13 Nov '13, 21:33) Ken15