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Red Hat Enterprise linux for work station version 6.2



I have Red Hat Enterprise linux for work station version 6.2 OS in my computer and I want to install Wireshark in it. I am not a linux guy, I did see some people say to try these

yum install wireshark

yum install wireshark-gnome

I did but I got wireshark package is not available.

Can someone please advise me?

Thanks Tony.

asked 11 Nov '13, 12:34

Tony007's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


See my answer (and the comments) to a similar question:

If you are running the following command:

yum list wireshark

Do you get the following error message?

This system is not registered with RHN.

If so, you did not register your machine with the RedHat support machinery. As you don't pay for the support (or did not yet add the system to your RHN account), Red Hat is not willing to give your system any updates or packages from their online repositories.


  • buy a Red Hat subscription/support contract
  • install Wireshark from the RedHat installation CDs
  • use a different distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, Kali, etc.)


answered 12 Nov '13, 04:31

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 12 Nov '13, 06:29

Solution(s) (continued) - Build your own version of Wireshark (while this is a bunch more work and a bit of a pain, it will also yield a much more modern Wireshark than what Redhat delivers)

(12 Nov '13, 07:58) JeffMorriss ♦

I wonder why Redhat (and thus also CentOS) does not update the Wireshark package, at least occasionally. Did you ever have contact to those guys at Redhat?

(12 Nov '13, 08:06) Kurt Knochner ♦

Well, the EL product line is designed for stability where stability is (I think) defined as "lack of change." Meaning: only bug fixes and realistically often only security fixes.

However I remember reading a while back that they did start updating (at least) Firefox and Thunderbird as it's really unreasonable to use a 5-year-old Firefox. I wonder what it would take to get onto that "desktop use" list. (OTOH I did recently break one of our test department's test scripts with a botched Wireshark/tshark change--it took a little bit before the development team realized it was actually my fault!)

I have gotten some of the RPM generation work I did in Wireshark pushed upstream; Fedora 19 now has Wireshark 1.10.x and is (supposedly--I haven't checked) using less of Redhat's homegrown stuff to generate the RPM. But I suspect getting them to changing Wireshark versions might be a bit tougher...

(12 Nov '13, 08:45) JeffMorriss ♦