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Capturing HTTP packets from other computers


Hi I was wondering how you view HTTP packets from other computers that are on the same network as you. I've been reading around and can not figure it out. I can view my http traffic but not other computers. If you could respond back with an answer it would be greatly appreciated.

asked 11 Nov '13, 16:23

brad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


You'll need to read and understand how to setup your captures. Start at the Wiki page on Capture Setup, and then look at the page for the media type used by your network, most likely Ethernet.

Hint: You are likely to be using a switched network so you'll need to arrange for the switches to span or mirror traffic to your capture host.

answered 12 Nov '13, 02:06

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%

how do I arrange for switches to span or mirror traffic. I went through capture setup and I think I completed it all but it still isn't working.

(12 Nov '13, 18:43) brad

You'll need access to whatever admin interface your switches provide and the knowledge on how to use that admin interface to span or mirror the ports. As such, this isn't really a question for Ask Wireshark, more for the support options for your particular switches.

(13 Nov '13, 02:42) grahamb ♦