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how do I extract an MPEG stream from a wireshark capture file (.pcap) and convert that data to “.ts” format (transport stream)


hi i have captured network stream via wireshark tool and this stream is in .pcap file format and i want to convert this format to Ts format. how i will convert.

asked 12 Nov '13, 01:37

COOLpa's gravatar image

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edited 12 Nov '13, 04:45

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦

do you mind to tell us what the .ts format is?

(12 Nov '13, 03:49) Kurt Knochner ♦

transport stream

(12 Nov '13, 04:06) COOLpa

never heard of that. What kind of sniffer uses that format?

(12 Nov '13, 04:09) Kurt Knochner ♦

I think the OP is trying to extract an MPEG video stream from a network capture.

(12 Nov '13, 04:32) grahamb ♦

yes MPEG transport stream

(12 Nov '13, 04:37) COOLpa

Ah, sounds reasonable, now that you mention it :-) I was mislead by the word 'convert'.

(12 Nov '13, 04:37) Kurt Knochner ♦
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

One Answer:


In Wireshark, load your pcap file, then choose: File -> Export Objects -> HTTP -> [Select the audio/mpeg file of interest] -> Save As -> filename.mpeg.

From there, use any external software of your choice capable of performing the conversion from .mpeg to .ts. For example, using the VLC media player, you would choose: Media -> Convert/Save -> Add... -> filename.mpeg -> Convert/Save -> Profile: Video - H.264 + MP3 (TS), Destination file: filename.ts -> Start

answered 15 Nov '13, 10:20

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cmaynard ♦♦
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