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analyzing packets


I just installed wireshark and need to know what to look for on the network that might be slowing it down - many broadcasts?, rogue dhcp server? etc? What should I look for specifically? Is there a quick simple guide for this? Thanks.

asked 13 Nov '13, 08:54

tolinrome's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


I don't want to offend you but the answer to your question

  • Is there a quick simple guide for this?

is no. Wireshark is just a - admittedly great - tool to help you spot things faster. You still need to understand the protocols that are used in the communication. A good start is probably TCP/IP Illustrated by W. Richard Stevens. The wireshark books from Laura Chappell are cretainly also a good read:

More resources:

NB.: Performance problems are among the most difficult problems to diagnose.

answered 13 Nov '13, 13:22

mrEEde's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 13 Nov '13, 22:51