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Triggering-Event IE errored in Trace-Information IE


I am using wireshark version 1.11.0. I am facing problem while decoding the Triggering-Events IE sent in Create Session Request in GTPv2 protocol. The size of the decoded IE by Wireshark is 8 bytes long but as per specification-32.422-ab0 the size should be 9 bytes long.

Can any one have a look and please let me know.

Hope for your cooperation. Thanks in advance.

-- Regards Mrinal Aich Software Engineer-1, Dynamic Digital Technology, Kolkata

asked 18 Nov '13, 23:46

Mrinal's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Nov '13, 03:27

I can't find any "Triggering-Events" ary you talking about a Diameter message with an AVP "Triggering-Events"? If so what vendor id and what AVP number? If not which protocol, protocol messge and IE are you refering to? A bug report with a trace file is an alternative :-)

(19 Nov '13, 01:56) Anders ♦

One Answer:


Section 8.31 of 3GPP TS 29.274 is where the GTPv2 IE specifically is defined. Mrinal is correct, it's defined as a nine byte field.

My C is rusty but I believe the problem is line 2411 of file epan/dissectors/gtpv2.c in Wireshark's source code. Looks like it defines that IE as 8 bytes (that "8" is there the byte length is given for the other IEs as you go along):

trigg = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, 8, "Trigging Events");

It also misspells "triggering", at least in the source for Wireshark 1.10.2.

Mrinal, I recommend posting this issue as a bug at:

answered 20 Nov '13, 18:14

Quadratic's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 20 Nov '13, 18:25