I've added libcstl to wireshark project.When I compile, problems occur: a lot of unresolved external symbols e.g. dissectors.lib(packet-http.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _set_init I think I should add libcstl.lib to the dependent library list, but I don't know where to add it.Anybody knows? Any reply will be appreciated. asked 20 Nov '13, 01:28 metamatrix edited 20 Nov '13, 01:30 |
One Answer:
I solved the problem :-) Edit makefile.nmake in epan directory. Add path of libcstl.lib to libwireshark_LIBS. answered 20 Nov '13, 19:11 metamatrix |
How did you add the library to the project? You seem to have broken existing dissectors, have you modified them as well? Are you able to compile an unmodified version? And what version of Wireshark are you modifying?
I add the library in visual studio. I add the set_init function in libcstl to dissectors.Unmodified version is OK. Wireshark version is 1.10.2 stable.
I use nmake to make wireshark project on windows.I just want to know where to modify the dependent library for libwireshark(I want to add libcstl to below arg list, where to config it? In makefiles or config files?).
Linking libwireshark.dll link /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO -entry:[email protected] -dll kernel32 .lib ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib /DEBUG /MACHINE:x86 /Safe SEH /DYNAMICBASE /FIXED:no /OUT:libwireshark.dll /IMPLIB:libwireshark.lib add r_and_mask.obj addr_resolv.obj address_to_str.obj adler32.obj afn.obj asn1.obj atalk-utils.obj base64.obj bitswap.obj camel-persistentdata.obj charsets.obj circuit.obj codecs.obj column.obj column-utils.obj conversation.obj crc16-tvb.obj crc32-tvb.obj crc8-tvb.obj dissector_filters.obj emem.obj epan.obj ex-opt.obj except.obj expert.obj filesystem.obj filter_expressions.obj follow.obj frame_data.obj frequency-utils.obj funnel. obj gcp.obj geoip_db.obj golay.o bj guid-utils.obj h225-persistentdata.obj in_cksum.obj ipproto.obj ipv4.obj next_tvb.obj nstime.obj oids.obj osi-utils.obj packet.obj plugins.obj prefs.o bj proto.obj range.obj reassemble.obj reedsolomon.obj report_err.obj req_resp_hdrs.obj show_exception.obj sigcomp_state_h dlr.obj sigcomp-udvm.obj sminmpec.obj sna-utils.obj stat_cmd_args.obj stats_tree.obj strutil.obj stream.obj t35.obj tap.obj tcap-persistentdata.obj timestamp.obj tfs.obj to_str.obj tvbparse.obj tvbuff. obj uat.obj value_string.obj xdlc.obj diam_dict.obj dtd_parse.obj dtd_preparse.ob j radius_dict.obj uat_load.obj dtd_grammar.obj C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gtk2\lib\glib-2.0.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10 \gtk2\lib\gmodule-2.0.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gtk2\lib\gobject-2.0.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\c-ares-1.9.1-1-win32ws\lib\libcares-2.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\kfw-3-2-2-i386-ws-vc6\lib\krb5_32.lib C:\Wire shark-win32-libs-1.10\zlib125\lib\zdll.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gnutls -2.12.18-1.2-win32ws\bin\libtasn1-3.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gnutls-2.1 2.18-1.2-win32ws\bin\libgpg-error-0.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gnutls-2.1 2.18-1.2-win32ws\bin\libgcrypt-11.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\gnutls-2.12. 18-1.2-win32ws\bin\libgnutls-26.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\lua5.1.4\lua5. 1.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\libsmi-svn-40773-win32ws\lib\libsmi-2.lib C:\Wireshark-win32-libs-1.10\GeoIP-1.4.8-2-win32ws\lib\libGeoIP-1.lib ..\wsuti l\libwsutil.lib ..\wiretap\wiretap-1.10.0.lib crypt\airpdcap.lib ftypes\ftype s.lib dfilter\dfilter.lib wmem\wmem.lib wslua\wslua.lib wspython\wspython.li b dissectors\dissectors.lib ..\image\libwireshark.res dissectors\register.obj asm_utils_win32_x86.obj