I have this problem. tried wiershark on two ubuntu OS and linux. And on both OS inactive monitoring what the problem is? WI-FI - ALFA AWUS036 Notebook Acer E1-351 Just saying, in monitoring mode, the map translated. asked 21 Nov '13, 00:59 Sokolov Andrey |
One Answer:
Please follow the instructions in my answer to a similar question and you should be able to capture traffic in monitor mode. IMPORTANT: Please capture on mon0 instead of wlan0 !! Regards answered 22 Nov '13, 02:27 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
what does that mean??
Do you mean that you want to capture in monitor mode on your laptop, but on both Ubuntu Linux and whatever other Linux you're using monitor mode doesn't work?
yes, my actions airmon-ng start wlan0 run wireshark and then trying to put a tick in the monitoring, he told me in one OS writes that airmon-ng does not include, although configurations(iwconfig) there is such a network mon0. And the second OS, the second this checkbox is not active P.S. wireshark not run as root then had to make settings that would be run by a normal user. http://securityblog.gr/1195/run-wireshark-as-a-user-rather-than-root-ubuntu/