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export SIP data packets from wireshark to excel


we need someone can give us solution (no issue if paid) to we can export all SIP data packets from wireshark to excel because we need to compare difference between packets, we need export each packet to one row in excel to sort it and can see where is the difference in SIP packets.

Thank you

asked 21 Nov '13, 01:06

Ngvoip's gravatar image

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One Answer:


all SIP data packets from wireshark to excel

What does that mean? Do you want the whole SIP payload in ASCII and/or HEX in the Excel file?

because we need to compare difference between packets,

I don't think the "Ecxel approach" with a plain text visual compare method (using the eyes) will work very well.

Can you please add some information why and how you want to compare SIP packets? What are you looking for? Maybe there is a better way than using Excel.


answered 21 Nov '13, 06:03

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%