I would like to embed wireshark in a web browser in order to view message exchange on my webpage (running on a local machine) with packet filtering. The basic aim is to integrate Operations and Management Webpage which controls a LTE eNodeB & wireshark. asked 22 Nov '13, 09:25 Anish |
2 Answers:
Take a look at http://www.cloushark.org If you want to know how that works, please contact the guys at cloudshark. Regards answered 22 Nov '13, 09:38 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
How to embed Wireshark in a web page? Rewrite the UI so that it's a web-page. There was a proposal to do that as part of the Google Summer of Code 2013 but the project didn't go anywhere (that I know of). (In other words, what you're proposing is a significant if not massive project.) answered 23 Nov '13, 09:24 JeffMorriss ♦ I wonder if it would be possible to build a (usable) GUI with one of the new HTML5 frameworks, that promise cross-platform development of 'GUI applications', even for the Desktop.
A pure web application, hosted on a server, might not be 'responsive' enough (see cloudshark.org). However, the same thing on the Desktop could probably work. Anyone ever thought about that as an option (instead of Qt)? (23 Nov '13, 13:17) Kurt Knochner ♦ There's still the issue of the non-gui major part of Wireshark, the dissectors. They are built as a platform specific native code library. The html5 JavaScript GUI will have to call and interact with that. (23 Nov '13, 14:10) grahamb ♦ Well, the thing is not to rewrite everything in Javascript, 'just' to replace the UI part with 'something' based on HTML5. I know that's not easy (maybe not possible at all), but it's also a lot of work to migrate to Qt. I just wonder if anyone of you guys has some experience with this and can estimate if it is possible at all, or if there is a major show stopper (except the amount of work to do, more like the ever changing browser engines and bugs introduced with those changes). I have not really looked into those HTML5 toolkits to do that estimation by myself. (23 Nov '13, 14:48) Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Thanks Kurt
However, using cloudshark.org, I can only view my capture files on a web browser.
My intent is to have some what like a wireshark plugin for firefox or any other browser using which I can perform live capture and the same would be embedded in my OAM webpage.
Regards Anish
as you may know, Wireshark is a Desktop GUI application. There is no way to simply 'embed' it into a web browser or a web application (hosted on a web server). Maybe it's easier to understand if you try to simply 'embed' your favorite Windows GUI application (editor, etc.) in a web browser/application? How would you do that? No way.
That's the reason why I pointed you to cloudshark. The guys over there seem to use tshark (a CLI tool) to extract data from a capture file. Then they wrote some code to view that data in a nice looking web application.
And that's basically what you'll have to do as well. Additionally you can implement the data capturing part, that's currently missing in cloudshark. You can do that by calling dumpcap.
BUT, don't expect to get all that done on a Wednesday afternoon. I guess the development of cloudshark took several months, if not years.
However, I might have misunderstood what you are trying to do. If so, please be more specific on that part.