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Conversations with DUP or Retransmission


I read how to get a count of conversations - my next question is is there a way to count how many different conversations have DUP or TCP Retransmission packets in them?

asked 22 Nov '13, 13:43

Platzen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


There are several ways to do that. One fast and simple method is this:

  • set a display filter for the conditions you're looking for, e.g. tcp.analysis.retransmission or tcp.analysis.duplicate_ack (add whatever field you need)
  • show the conversations: Statistics -> Conversations -> TCP [tab]
  • enable the following option: Limit to display filter (at the bottom of the window)
  • what you now see are those TCP connections that match the display filter, hence those connections with retransmissions and dup ACK (in this example)


answered 22 Nov '13, 14:46

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 22 Nov '13, 15:03