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How do I run a makefile such that it doesn’t exit on error and continues the compilation of remaining files?


I have a makefile that I run and I do not want it to exit if there is an error during the compilation of a particular file. I want it to continue compiling other files. Is this possible? If yes how?

asked 26 Nov '13, 00:25

pysudhir's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

A makefile for what? If this is for Wireshark, please give some more details, if not, then the question is not relevant for Ask Wireshark.

(26 Nov '13, 01:47) grahamb ♦

One Answer:


Based on your other question, I assume this question is about building a Wireshark dissector.

If so, then the answer to your question is:

man make

which will tell you to run make with option -k:

       -k, --keep-going
        Continue  as  much  as  possible after an error.  While the target
        that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot  be  remade,  the
        other dependencies of these targets can be processed all the same.


answered 26 Nov '13, 04:52

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 26 Nov '13, 04:53